Another Safe and Efficient Job completed by our great Tower Crew.
(Tower and Antenna part of equipment donated by Jim Quick – N4ULE)
In attendance for this project were: Randy Clair (KI4CQO), Art Patterson (KE4EAN), Mike Thompson (KE4KMA), Mike Bonner (KI4AWC), Les MacBay (W4LSO), Fritz Nitsch (W4NTO), Brett Phillips (N9LPT), John Dewerth (KC4QAC), Wayne Davis (KF4UUL), Lowell Simmons (AI4ZY), Del Krause (WD4BLD), Maxie Hutchins (N4ENQ), Frank Lamb (K4ADI), Richard McAbee (W4MTK) and last but not least, our photographer Steve Wilzbacher (K4SAW).
If there has been anyone left out, please notify the webmaster.