About the Event
We are having a fundraising auction at the clubhouse on May 10, 2025. We are selling all sorts of radio gear, including receivers, transceivers, amplifiers, and antennas, components, test equipment, and feed lines.
- 10:00 am — Check-in, Viewing and Registration begins. If you might bid on something, go ahead and get registered and get your bidding number.
- 11:00 am — The Auction begins promptly at 11am. We will continue until everything has been sold.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will the auction happen? — The auction will happen at our clubhouse, which is located at 400 Glennwood Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29306. For a link to the Google maps, location click here.
What forms of payment are accepted? — Cash is preferred, but we will take a personal check from members of the Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club in good standing. Unfortunately, there will not be any way for us to take electronic payments.
Can I bring my own equipment to sell? — No. We have plenty of equipment that has been donated to the club for this fundraising auction. We will not have room for tailgating or be able to sell equipment for others at this event.
Where do I park? — We have parking in the front and to the side of the clubhouse. There is also an empty field next to the clubhouse, which the owner lets us use during events. If you decide to park in the grass, please be respectful by not tearing up the grass as you park.
Here is are some photos of the equipment we will be selling: